Patrick Mahaney

Member in the Spotlight: Patrick Mahaney
Our member in the spotlight this week is Patrick Mahaney of Montgomery, Alabama. Patrick graduated from the Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina. He worked as a trooper for the Alabama Department of Public Safety. As a DUI trooper who testified frequently, he learned cross examination firsthand from one of the country’s best: notably, cross examination from Tommy Kirk, former Dean of NCDD! The assistant district attorneys he worked with gave him the Code of Alabama and McElroy’s Alabama Evidence to read which spurred him on to law school. After passing the bar, Patrick was appointed as an assistant attorney general and the assistant legal counsel for the Alabama DPS. He retired from the Alabama DPS in 2000. He then worked for the U.S. State Department in Kosovo, Jordan, and Iraq. He served 18 months as the executive officer of the U.S. Civilian Police Mission to Iraq. His military service extends over 28 years – Army, Army National Guard, and Army Reserve. He achieved the rank of lieutenant colonel, was twice awarded the Meritorious Service Medal; was airborne and ranger qualified (with over 100 parachute jumps) and served six and a half years in the Special Forces.
In his 25 years of practicing law, he published, Alabama DUI, Traffic and Driver License Law Handbook (now in its 3rd edition), conducts CLE training year round for the Montgomery County Bar Association, and the Alabama Criminal Defense Lawyers Association. He has received the Alabama Criminal Defense Lawyers Association President’s Award for outstanding achievement in 2009, 2010, 2012, and 2014. As for victories, Patrick particularly relishes his “trapped alcohol” defense in getting breath test acquittals by bringing science to the courtroom through explanatory power point.
Thirty years ago, Patrick met his bride to be as the judge’s court docket clerk in the courtroom. They have two daughters: Elizabeth, age 26, a graduate of Auburn University now working in metro Atlanta in public relations; and Caroline, age 19, a student at Sanford University in Birmingham.
Patrick has defended our country on the streets, in uniform, and as a well-respected defender in the courtroom. George S. Patton, Jr. once said, “Lead me, follow, or get the hell out of my way.” Patrick even challenged the District Attorney of Montgomery County for public office. This defines Patrick Mahaney and his zest for life. We at NCDD thank you for your noble service and are proud to call you friend.