NCDD Foundation

The National College for DUI Defense Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. The purpose of the NCDD Foundation is to provide access to legal education for practicing attorneys who undertake to defend citizens accused of DUI.
Contributions to the Foundation are used to fund need-based scholarships to public defenders and other lawyers seeking cutting edge training in DUI defense through attendance to the annual National College For DUI Defense, Inc. Summer Session Seminar.
Contributions are tax deductible and can be made either as "memorials," "commendations" or "scholarship funds." Your tax deductible contribution should be made payable to "The National College For DUI Defense Foundation, Inc." and mailed to The National College For DUI Defense, Inc. The address is 445 S. Decatur St., Montgomery AL 36104. You can also make a contribution online by clicking here
Any inquires regarding the Foundation should be made to John T. Kirk, National College For DUI Defense Foundation, 445 S. Decatur St., Montgomery, AL 36104, 334-264-1498, or by email: