NCDD Seminars and Webinars

2018 Winter Session

NCDD Seminars and Sessions


January 18, 2018 - January 20, 2018

Prescription for Disaster

NCDD is proud to announce that our Winter Session will be dedicated exclusively to defending the prescription medication DUI. This event will be held at Loews Midtown Atlanta right in the heart of the city. The room block rate is $185 per night.

Registration fee is $425 for NCDD members and $495 for non-members.

Agenda Day 1 – January 18, 2018

6:00pmAttendees' Cocktail ReceptionOverlook West

Agenda Day 2 – January 19, 2018

7:30amRegistration and Continental Breakfast7:30 am-8:30am
8:30amAnnouncements and OverviewMichael M. Hawkins, Dean
8:45amLearn What the Cops are Taught: Drugs That Impair Driving & ARIDE Overview for LawyersAnthony D. Palacios & Ron Lloyd
10:45amMorning BreakBreak
11:00amWhat if it Becomes Legal in My State? Navigating Through the Haze of Prescription and Legalized MarijuanaJay Tiftickjian
12:00pmNot Your Father's DUI: Unusual Aspects of Defending DUI Drug CasesMichael J. Nichols
1:00pmLunchBox Lunch Provided
1:45pmAn Expert's Opinion: The 3 Most Important Things Lawyers Need to Know About Prescription Drug CasesDr. Fran Gengo
2:45pmEthically Avoiding the Personal & Professional Disaster: Client Management Before, During and After CourtErin H. Gerstenzang
3:45pmAfternoon BreakBreak
4:00pmHow to Investigate and Prepare to Challenge the State's Expert in a DUI Drug CaseDr. James T. O'Donnell
5:00pmDay 1 AdjournsAdjourn

Agenda Day 3 – January 20, 2018

8:00amContinental Breakfast8:00am-8:30am
8:30amThe Opioid Crisis in AmericaDr. Randall Tackett
9:30amWaking Up to Disaster: Defending the Ambien Case and other Sleep Driving IssuesWilliam C. Head
10:30amMorning BreakBreak
10:45amChallenging Drug Recognition ExpertsDoug Murphy
11:45amDr. Whited's Rx to Win a DUI Drug CaseFlem K. Whited III
12:45pmGiveaways and ConcludeSeminar Adjourns

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Introduction of Autonomous Vehicles and SAE Levels of Driving Automation


By By Lance Hendron An autonomous vehicle, in other words is self-driving car, is a car that is capable of operating with reduced or no human input.1 In 2014, the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), launched SAE J3016 Recommended Practice: Taxonomy and Definitions for Terms Related to Driving Automation Systems for On-Road Motor Vehicles, commonly referenced as the SAE Levels of...

Forensic Evidence – it has its limits and sometimes those limits are your weapon


By By Michael J. Nichols This is a story about Karolyn. Karolyn is a 28-year-old Marine Corps veteran. Karolyn was medically discharged from the "Corps" at 20 years old because a 500-pound bomb fell on her during a training exercise. It did not denotate, but it hurt. It literally concussed her entire body. Fast forward by about 4 years. A number changes...

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