NCDD Seminars and Webinars

27th Annual DWI Means Defend with Ingenuity Seminar

NCDD Seminars and Sessions


September 20, 2023 - September 23, 2023

NACDL & NCDD's 2023 Annual Seminar "DWI Means Defend With Ingenuity" Seminar "Winners Find a Way to Victory" will be held on September 20-23, 2023 at Planet Hollywood Hotel in Las Vegas, NV.

If you are serious about being an effective DUI defense advocate, or if you're considering adding DUI defenses to your firms portfolio, you need to know the latest scientific and legal strategies to optimize your success at trial. Join your nationwide colleagues in Las Vegas to learn from the best-of-the-best, and take advantage of the unique opportunity to network, mingle, and establish a reciprocal referral base with over 600 of your colleagues from around the country. There is no better opportunity to confer and learn from your peers!

This one-of-a-kind CLE program is held in the mornings only, and consists of one day of general plenary session presentations, one day of split tracks for you to choose from, and one day with your choice of multiple workshops for small group, intense, and focused learning in the areas you need the most help. Whether you are a seasoned criminal defense practitioner, or just getting started and needing to learn the ropes, THIS IS THE NATIONAL GATHERING YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS!

Hotel Information: Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

3:00p.m.–6:00p.m.Early Registration, Exhibit Hall

SEMINAR DAY ONE – Thursday, September 21, 2023

TimeEvent DescriptionGuest Speaker
7:30a.m.–8:30p.m.Registration, Exhibits & Continental Breakfast
8:30a.m.–8:50a.m.Welcome, Introductions, AnnouncementsDUI Program Chair Steve Oberman, NCDD Dean Virginia Landry & NACDL President Michael P. Heiskell
8:50a.m. – 9:50a.m.When Your Client Testifies-Preparing for the Witness StandDennis deVlaming
9:50a.m. – 10:50a.m.Don't Throw Away Your Client's Second Chance: Capitalizing on Trial Judges Errors by Preserving Issues for AppealPenny White
10:50a.m. – 11:10a.m.Refreshment, Exhibitor & Networking Break
11:10a.m. – 12:10p.m.Getting More Out of the Tech You Already HaveCatherine Saunders Reach
12:10p.m. – 1:10p.m.Winning the Case Before the First Witness: Jury Selection in DUI CasesAndrew Mishlove
1:10p.m.DUI Seminar Adjourns for the Day
6:30pm.Opening ReceptionPlanet Hollywood Hotel

SEMINAR DAY TWO – Friday, September 22, 2023

TimeEvent DescriptionGuest Speaker
7:30a.m. – 8:00a.m.Registration, Exhibits & Continental Breakfast
8:00a.m. – 9:00a.m.Networking Tables: Network with other DUI lawyers on issues of interest over coffee and breakfast
9:00a.m. – 9:05a.m.Plenary Session Begins: Remarks and RemindersSteve Oberman
9:05a.m. – 10:05a.m.Select a Track
Option APolice Videos: Watch and WinJuanita Kimble
Option BBreath Tests: Take Their Breath AwayDenis deVlaming
10:05a.m. – 11:05a.m.Select a Track
Option ATech Tips to Use TodayCatherine Saunders Reach
Option BBlood Test MotionsAndrew Mishlove
11:05a.m. – 11:25a.m.Refreshment, Exhibitor & Networking Break
11:25a.m. – 12:25p.m.Select a Track
Option AEthics-Making Prosecutors Pay for Their MisconductLawrence Koplow
Option BBack to the Basics: Barring Chemical Test ResultsPenny White
12:25p.m. – 1:25p.m.Select a Track
Option ASuccessful Strategies for Suppression MotionsMimi Coffey
Option BWhat’s New? The 2023 SFST Manual: Compare and ContrastDavid Katz
1:25p.m.DUI Seminar Adjourns for the Day

SEMINAR DAY THREE – Saturday, September 23, 2023

TimeEvent DescriptionGuest Speaker
7:30a.m. – 8:10a.m.Registration, Exhibits & Continental Breakfast
8:10a.m. – 9:30a.m.Workshops (Select from Options Below)
1Trying Your First DUI Case (Less than 5 Years Experience)John Webb and Denis deVlaming
2Using Theme and Theory to Tell Your Client's StoryPenny White
3Crossing the FST Officer: Learn to Control, Confront, and ContradictSteve Oberman
4The NHTSA SFSTs: Learning the BasicsBell Island and Juanita Kimble
5Crossing the Blood TechJoseph P. St. Louis
6Using PowerPoint to Enhance Your Closing ArgumentsLawrence Koplow
7Crossing the Breath TestVirginia Landry
9:30a.m. – 9:50a.m.Refreshment, Exhibitor and Networking Break
9:50a.m. – 11:10a.m.Workshops (Select from Options Below)
1Trying Your First DUI Case (Less than 5 years experience)John Webb and Denis deVlaming
2Winning With the Law: DUI Case Law UpdateDon Ramsell
3Tips and Tools from the TrenchesBruce Edge
4The NHTSA SFSTs: Learning the BasicsBell Island and Juanita Kimble
5Crossing the Blood TechJoseph P. St. Louis
6Introduction to Forensic PathologyJohn Hunsucker
7Crossing the Breath TestVirginia Landry
11:10a.m.DUI Seminar Adjourns-See you September 18-21, 2024!

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vflVirtual Forensic Library


NCDD members have access to a comprehensive forensic library that provides invaluable information to be used when defending clients charged with DUI.

This library includes scientific articles on drug and alcohol intoxication, toxicology and pharmacology, methods of testing for blood alcohol content, field sobriety testing, potential errors that may occur during testing, accident reconstruction, expert testimony, and evidentiary rules. This valuable information can ensure that you provide a high quality defense to clients charged with DUI based on the circumstances of their case and the laws in their state.


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