NCDD Seminars and Webinars

Gideon Behind the Wheel III: The Basics of Defending a DUI Case

NCDD Seminars and Sessions


August 22, 2024

A Webinar providing up to 5 hours of CLE credit offered free to Public Defenders nationwide and NCDD members

Because this Webinar is presented free of charge as a benefit to NCDD members, CLE forms will be provided to attendees. Attendees desiring CLE credit are responsible for filing the form with their State Bar and paying any costs charged by their State Bar, if applicable.

When: Thursday, August 22, 2024 8:00 AM PDT / 9:00 AM MDT / 10:00 AM CDT / 11:00 AM EDT

Agenda (all times listed are Pacific Daylight Time)

Time (PST)Event DescriptionGuest Speaker
8:00AM – 8:10AMWelcome and Introductory RemarksDelton F. Caraway, Canandaigua, New York
Lisa A. Saltzman, Forest Hills, New York
Joseph P. St. Louis, Tucson, Arizona
8:10AM – 9:10AMTheme and Theory in Opening Statements: Turning Your Case Into a Winning StoryZaki Zehawi, Madison, Wisconsin
9:10AM – 10:10AM¿Que Dice? Representing Non-English Speaking Clients in DUI CasesJean Marie Hazelton, Southampton, New York
10:10AM – 10:20AMBreak
10:20AM – 11:20AMNothing But a Lot of Hot Air: Challenging Breath Test EvidenceJuanita Kimble, Atlanta, Georgia
11:20AM – 11:50AMLunch Break
11:50AM – 12:50PMBlood Simple: An Introduction to Blood TestingTravis McGivern, Tucson, Arizona
12:50PM – 1:50PMMaking the Lab Follow Its Own Rules: Using Consensus Standards in Your CaseJanine Arvizu, CQA, Albuquerque, New Mexico
1:50PM – 2:00PMClosing Remarks

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vflVirtual Forensic Library


NCDD members have access to a comprehensive forensic library that provides invaluable information to be used when defending clients charged with DUI.

This library includes scientific articles on drug and alcohol intoxication, toxicology and pharmacology, methods of testing for blood alcohol content, field sobriety testing, potential errors that may occur during testing, accident reconstruction, expert testimony, and evidentiary rules. This valuable information can ensure that you provide a high quality defense to clients charged with DUI based on the circumstances of their case and the laws in their state.


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