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Category - Summer Session
Why All Young Lawyers Should Attend NCDD's Summer Session
Posted on January 28, 2019 in Summer Session
I will never forget my first NCDD summer session. It was seven years ago and I was fresh out of law school. I'd been hired to work for Andrew Mishlove on a Monday, and was on a plane to Boston the following Wednesday. Having never handled a DUI case, I had no idea what to expect, but was hungry for experience and eager to impress my new boss. I could never have imagined the profound impact that a three-day seminar could have had on a new young lawyer. Front and center in the Harvard Law school classroom, I sat star-struck listening to the wits and knowledge of rock star attorneys who introduced me to the field of DUI defense. They set the bar high. These were not your average lawyers. They were the best. And watching them, I wanted to be the best. It was impossible not to be inspired.
My Summer Session Experience
Posted on January 21, 2019 in Summer Session
It was my pleasure to attend and participate in the National College of DUI Defense Summer Program. There were many familiar faces in the crowd and many renewed friendships. This year I was most impressed with, not only the quality of the program but the increase in the number of women attending. We had the opportunity to gather together for a group photograph, many rows deep and full of accomplished litigators. It was a far cry from my days as a new lawyer.
I came back to California, invigorated, inspired and ready to take on the challenges of being a DUI attorney. I received a "useful nugget" to incorporate in my practice from each speaker as well as one that I announced as "stolen" from one of the new attorneys in a break out session that Paul Burglin and I were leading.
A Summer Session Perspective, From a First Time Attendee
Posted on May 14, 2018 in Summer Session
Another CLE Another seminar Another day away from the office with unanswered phone calls and problems to come back to on Monday morning. Or so I thought The NCDD Harvard experience was exciting, the curriculum cutting edge leaving its attendees refreshed for Monday morning.
One of the most unique things about the Harvard experience were the breakout sessions. Well versed and experienced DWI/DUI attorneys led each group which consisted of 5 students. Attendees were given advanced notice of the breakout sessions and encouraged to bring an opening statement. I had a trial the following Monday that I prepped for. I opted for trying something new and different as encouraged by Denis DeVlaming during his seminar on a powerful opening statement. I normally present my opening statement prior to any evidence, but felt with the facts of this case it would be more appropriate to wait until after the State had presented their evidence to present my secret weapon, aka the stomach virus. The leaders in each my breakout session gave each participant about 3-5 minutes to make their opening statement. They then critiqued each participant. With me and a couple of others the leaders explained a drill that would help me overcome my weaknesses. I like to try to contain my emotion and stay very fact based during my open statement and crescendo into closing. But the leaders explained how I could be more effective. After exercising the drill a couple times, we than gave the same opening statement again. It was amazing how we all grew as speakers in just a few short minutes. On Friday, a subsequent break out session followed in cross examination also very effective.
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Virtual Forensic Library

NCDD members have access to a comprehensive forensic library that provides invaluable information to be used when defending clients charged with DUI.
This library includes scientific articles on drug and alcohol intoxication, toxicology and pharmacology, methods of testing for blood alcohol content, field sobriety testing, potential errors that may occur during testing, accident reconstruction, expert testimony, and evidentiary rules. This valuable information can ensure that you provide a high quality defense to clients charged with DUI based on the circumstances of their case and the laws in their state.