Tag - scooter

Can you get a DUI on a Bird or Lime Scooter?

Posted on July 04, 2019 in Uncategorized


Now that motorized scooters are popping up all over the United States, the question becomes whether you can get a DUI on one? The short answer is depends on where you live. Los Angeles authorities have already obtained a DUI conviction for a person operating a motorized scooter. Looking around the web, it appears that Indiana, Illinois and Colorado residents would be at risk of a DUI arrest on a motorized scooter while Minnesota residents would not.

With the introduction of self-propelled scooters in Oklahoma City, the lawyers at the Hunsucker Legal Group are being asked "Can you get a DUI on one in Oklahoma"? Although we have not seen a case in Oklahoma yet, we examine state law for an answer.

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