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Michigan to Host 1 Day Boot Camp on Breath Testing; Metrology and Case Issues
Posted on December 03, 2017 in Uncategorized
One of the top dui litigators and teachers in the country headlines a 1 day seminar in the Motor City on September 21st. Justin "Encyclopedia" McShane will speak as the first of many nationwide experts on breath testing and metrology (the science of measurement). McShane will be followed by Ron Henson, PhD, who has been educating judges, juries, prosecutors and lawyers about breath testing technology and applications.
Ted Vosk, a scientist/lawyer who consulted with the defense team in "People v Jabrocki" and helped force a change in the Michigan State Police method of blood testing and to educate the Michigan criminal justice system on uncertainty, will highlight the afternoon.
2 of the state's top litigators, Jeff Crampton and William Maze will present on how to use the Freedom of Information Act to obtain information and hold public agencies accountable. The event is sponsored by the Michigan Association of OWI attorneys. President Patrick Barone and Secretary Mike Nichols will be on a panel in the afternoon with other board members and litigators including Gary Wilson, Neil Rockind, Barton Morris, Karen Phillips and Mike Boyle to talk through case issues with the attendees – the tougher the issue the better!
This first of its kind event will start at 9 am at the mgm Grand Casino and Hotel in downtown Detroit. The 1st place Tigers host the White Sox that weekend and trips to Comerica Park are "in the cards." mnichols@nicholslaw.net for more information.
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